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ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARES OR THE MAKERS OF VIRUS(Read this If you are going to pay for your antivirus protection)


We all know about many antivirus soft-wares.  The duty of antivirus software is that to protect us from the viruses and other malicious programs. We all think that all of the viruses are made by the hackers and some expert programmer. But some hidden thing in behind the production of an antivirus program is that they are also releasing the virus program to the internet world.  But before that they will release an update to their product which contains the definition of the malicious program. So that their product will detect the virus and mostly other antivirus soft-wares skip it. Ultimately we all say that this antivirus software is more efficient than other antivirus providers. So everyone will recommend the product to their relatives and friends will use it, loves it and buy it for their security.

We all know that there are hundreds of famous and rarely using antivirus providers. Now new soft-wares are coming to the field. The only software that the producers will get payments in every year is antivirus soft-wares.  To get payment in every year they will not release any kind of free version so that people will forced to buy those product to be protected from malware programs.
You can see some are giving free protection for the users. But the thing is that its protection is restricted. In my opinion the free version is having above the requirements of a home user or a small business protection. And we cannot say that by using the paid version you are completely protected from the hackers and viruses. Day by day the technology is growing up and the hackers will have the knowledge equal or above the knowledge of the IT professionals who really made that product to the customers. I say this because no antivirus is providing a complete one year money back guarantee for the customers. They are only giving 30 day money back guarantee to the customers. Because the producer of such software is having much knowledge about their soft-wares that it is not a complete solution for the virus attacks or the hacker attack.
If this is out of my knowledge please neglect it or comment below this post. That is I didn’t hear news that hackers attacked the antivirus software providers website or their web store. I don’t know why this is so? Even the most popular, the KING of internet world Google were attacked by hackers to steal the data. All of us will know that most of the people are using antivirus. And 60% of them are using paid versions. If the hacker attacked the servers of antivirus software online store they will get much credit card data to make money and their power can show to the antivirus providers. So that people will think if the antivirus fails to block the attack how they can protect us. Who knows the relationship between hackers and antivirus providers (Not all)? 

In my opinion the free version releasing antivirus providers will not develop in making of a virus or any other malware program. So think twice before you buy a product. Don’t think that the company is HARDLY TRYING TO PROTECT YOU THIS IS A BUSINESS.

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